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Data privacy is one of the hottest topics in the tech world. That’s because with every new tech development comes new laws that require organizations to rethink how they use and store data. As a business owner, chances are you have essential data policies crafted by tech experts and lawyers to avoid hefty penalties. A recent report by Ponemon Institute and IBM shows that the average cost of data breaches among organizations surveyed in 2021 was $4.24 million per incident, according to government technology. However, compliance entails more than staying updated with current regulations and complying with basic requirements. Therefore, take the time to learn why your company’s data safety is essential and implement a core data protection strategy. Also, you’ll need to foster a culture of data compliance in your organization. Below are some tips to ensure your organization complies with data compliance obligations.
Keep Your Data Protection Strategy Up to Date
Data protection is an essential part of staying compliant with information regulations. So, when creating solid data security processes, make sure you have modern data protection strategies in place. Doing so is critical in preventing the risk of data breaches in your company. Note that following outdated data management and protection strategies makes it difficult to comply with data security regulations developed with advanced technologies.
Too often, conventional data storage doesn’t involve record keeping, timely deletion of data, and quick recall. Not to mention traditional data storage practices are not reliable, meaning your company’s data might be at risk of getting into the hands of hackers. To ensure you comply with modern data security strategies, evaluate your data protection policies regularly. Also, adjust your data privacy policies to keep up with changing regulations and your organization’s needs as it grows.
Plan for Audits
As new data regulations arise, surprise visits from compliance auditors become frequent. Keep in mind an audit can have a significant impact, no matter how compliant your organization might be. The data protection auditing process is time-consuming and requires many resources to organize all the information auditors need to review. As a result, audits can disrupt your company’s daily operations, leading to long-term financial and reputation issues. For this reason, consider preparing an audit policy that helps auditors access your data quickly.
When planning for audits, compliance experts recommend website archiving. This process entails capturing, indexing, storing, and replaying content. To benefit from this strategy, consider finding digital solutions that archive websites within an easy-to-navigate SaaS system. That way, you can ensure your website meets all the compliance, preservation, and regulatory obligations.
Educate Employees About Data Compliance
Ensuring data regulation compliance goes beyond having protection policies on paper. As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure employees focus on compliance every day. With this in mind, consider training employees about data compliance and how they can keep up with the ever-changing regulations. Implementing information protection policies becomes much more manageable when employees understand the risks linked to data compliance issues.
Understanding and following data compliance is key to ensuring that your company’s website functions effectively. After all, data regulations go beyond protecting your company’s information and customer data from hackers. Staying compliant with data laws helps you establish trust with customers and saves you money from costly data breaches.
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