
NetZero Email Login Guide: How to Sign Up and Log in to NetZero?

Even before the Internet became this accessible and data this affordable, there have been some Internet Service Providers such as NetZero who’re playing their part.

Founded in 1998, “NetZero”— the subsidiary of United Online, has, through the years, offered reliable internet plans for home use as well as for mobile connections and thus, become one of the popular and well-known American Internet Providers available across the world.

It is in fact the parent company of Juno Online Services as it offers a wide array of products such as broadband internet, mobile broadband, DSL and Dial-Up, etc.

However, besides being regarded as the pioneer of free internet access for users who buy their hardware, NetZero offers other things as well. To name some, the company offers Security and PC tools, premium Internet packages (that are more cost-effective than the majority of other providers in the U.S.) and most prominently an email service. 

About NetZero Email

NetZero email service is a webmail service that without the need for a download can be used on both web browsers and mobile devices.

Once you have subscribed to NetZero email service, you can get access to enhanced features, 2 GB of storage, and the ability to send & receive emails from both NetZero email addresses and non-NetZero email addresses.

Not only have that, with NetZero email service, you can—

  • Make Multiple Email Addresses.
  • Get Protection from Spam, Virus, Junk Email and Cyber Threats.
  • Get Mobile and Web Access.
  • Navigate easily through all Features and Functions due to Smooth Interface.
  • Easily Send and Receive Emails to Well-Manage your Email Account.
  • Organize Contacts in the Address Book for free.
  • Get Plethora of Customization options within easy reach.

Now, considering all this, if you’re intrigued enough to have an account on NetZero webmail platform then, let’s straightway get into its detailed instructions—

How to Sign up for NetZero Email to Create a New NetZero Email Account?

  • Step 3: In doing so, you’ll be directed onto the next page and there, you simply need to click on the ‘Select’ button of the “Free Email” option to reach onto the NetZero Free Email Page.

[Alternate Ways: You can also use this link to directly reach here at the NetZero Free Email Page. 

Or else, visit this link. There, look at the top left of the screen for the login section and click on the ‘Create a New Account’ button which is right below the login widget to reach onto the NetZero Free Email Page.]

  • Step 4: Now, on the NetZero free email page, click on the ‘Get Started’ button which is located right below the ‘Free’ option that you see at the center of the screen.
  • Step 5: In doing so, you’ll be taken to the NetZero Account Sign-Up Page.
  • Step 6: There, NetZero asks the ‘Customer Info’ to set up an account on NetZero webmail platform. So, to provide the same, first enter your following personal details in the “Basic Information” section—
  • Title
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Street Address
  • Unit/Apt #
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Mobile Number
  • Personal Verification Code
  • Email Address

[Note: In the ‘Email Address’ text box, you can enter your alternate email address (in case you have) to which NetZero can send your account and service information easily.]

  • Step 7: Upon entering the aforementioned information, what next you need to do is fill out the ‘Create a Member ID + Password’ section to set up login details for your NetZero email account. For that, type a desired one in the Member ID text box.

[Note: In case, the Member ID you have chosen is already in use then, you will be prompted to select a new one instead. So, you can select a new Member ID from the suggested alternatives, or you can yourself type an alternate Member ID of your choice in the text box provided.]

  • Step 8: Similarly, in the Password text box, type your desired Password.
  • Step 9: In continuation, you need to again type your Password in the Retype Password text box.
  • Step 10: Following that, you have to select a question from the drop-down menu of Choose Secret Question.

[Note:  In the future, whenever you inquire about or attempt to make changes to your account, a Customer Care representative may ask you this selected question to verify your identification.]

  • Step 11: Once you’re done selecting a security question, enter your Answer in the Type in your Answer text box.

[Note: You may also need to provide this answer to a Customer Care representative in order to complete the positive identification process.]

  • Step 12: In addition, you also require entering your ‘Date of Birth’ in the ‘Month, Day & Year’ text-boxes.
  • Step 13: On top of that, if a NetZero member referred you then, you also need to enter the referrer’s NetZero email address in ‘Referrer Member Address.’
  • Step 14: Next, with your NetZero account if you would like to activate the ‘MyPoints Service’ for free of cost then, you can simply select the same option to activate it.
  • Step 15: Besides this, there’s also one more “Tell Us About Yourself” section. In this, you can add the following other personal details of yours to let others know more about you—
  • Education
  • Occupation
  • Ages of Children in the Household
  • Annual Household
  • Income Range
  • Ethnic Group
  • Step 16: In the end, read the NetZero Terms and Conditions and after reading the same, select the ‘I Accept the Terms of Service and Billing Authorization’ checkbox and then, click on ‘Continue to finish the sign-up process.

Now that your NetZero account creation process has been completed, you can move on to execute the below-given login process to get access to your NetZero email account.

How to Sign in to a NetZero Email Account?

There are as many as three ways using which you can log in to your NetZero email account. However, it does completely depend on your situation which way you choose for doing NetZero email account login.

So, have a look at all three ways and choose the one that best suits you—

  • Way 1: You can automatically log in to your Netzero email account after you connect to the Internet via your NetZero service.

If not, then right after connecting to the Internet via NetZero service, you can simply execute these steps to log in to your NetZero email—

Step 1: Open the Web Browser of your choice.

Step 2: Using the same, visit this ‘’ link. 

Step 3: On reaching there, click on the ‘Sign in to Email’ link.

Step 4: In doing so, you’ll be redirected on the NetZero login form. There, you need to first enter your ‘User ID.’

Step 5: After that, click on the ‘Next’ button.

Step 6: Now, you simply need to enter the ‘Password’ of your Netzero email account.

Step 7: Upon entering your login details, select the ‘Keep me Signed in’ checkbox. However, remember that this should be selected only when you’re logging in on your personal computer or mobile. [Note: Do not select it while using a public computer.]

Step 8: In addition, type in the ‘Security Code’ to complete the Captcha Security Check Challenge.

Step 9: In the end, click on the ‘Sign in’ button to finally get into your NetZero email account.

  • Way 2: Alternatively, if you have DSL, or you’re using a different ISP other than your NetZero service to connect to the Internet then, you need to first visit this link via a web browser of your choice. Once you reach there, enter your ‘Member ID and Password’ in the respective text-fields and hit the ‘Sign in’ button to proceed ahead to access your NetZero email account.
  • Way 3: In the same manner, if you have DSL, or you’re using a different ISP to connect to the Internet then, in order to log in to your NetZero email what you can also do is go to There, just enter your ‘Member ID and Password’ to simply get access to your NetZero email account.

How to Setup and Access NetZero Account on iPhone and Android Smartphone?

In order to setup and access a NetZero email account on iPhone | Android, you need to use the following POP3 (Incoming) and SMTP (Outgoing) email server settings—

NetZero Email Server Settings

Incoming POP3 Server Settings Outgoing SMTP Server Settings
Incoming server:
Port Number: 995
Security type: SSL
Authentication: Yes [Member ID and Password]
Outgoing server:
Port Number: 465
Security type: SSL
Authentication: Yes [Member ID and Password]

Now as you know the NetZero server settings, you can follow one of the below-given set of steps based on whether you own an iPhone or Android smartphone.

[Note: Using the same above-listed server settings, NetZero email can also be configured and used on Windows | Mac PC’s Outlook, Windows Mail and Apple Mail email client program.]

Steps for Android Setup

  • Step 1: First of all, tap the Settings icon on your Android phone.
  • Step 2: Inside Settings, select Accounts option.
  • Step 3: Then, tap on Add Account and select the Email option.
  • Step 4: After this, type your NetZero Email Address and Password in the desired space.
  • Step 5: Upon entering your NetZero email account login credentials, tap on Next.
  • Step 6: Now, tap on Manual Setup and then, under Account Type section, select POP3 as the server type.
  • Step 7: After you do so, incoming server settings screen will appear in front of you and in that, type “” for POP3 and “995” for Port Number.
  • Step 8: Following that, select SSL for Security type and in continuation, select Never for Delete email from server.
  • Step 9: Once you’ve done that, tap on Next and in doing so, the Outgoing server settings screen will be displayed.
  • Step 10: On the same, type “” for SMTP and for Port Number type “465.”
  • Step 11: Following this, select ‘SSL’ for Security type.
  • Step 12: Moving on next, you’ve to select the ‘Require Sign-in’ checkbox.
  • Step 13: Additionally, you also have to choose how frequently you’d like to check your NetZero email and then, just tap on Next button.
  • Step 14: Now, when your NetZero account gets successfully setup on your Android, you’ll get a message saying “Your account is setup and your NetZero email is on its way!
  • Step 15: Once you receive this message, type the Name under “Your name (displayed on outgoing messages)” that you want to be displayed for your NetZero outgoing messages.
  • Step 16: In the end, just tap ‘Done’ and wait for your NetZero email to sync properly.

Once the sync process gets completed, it means your NetZero email has been set up finally on your Android.

Steps for iPhone Setup

If you have an iPhone then, here are the steps to follow for setting up NetZero email on your iPhone:

  • Step 1: Go to your iPhone’s Settings.
  • Step 2: Select the ‘Mail, Contacts, and Calendars’ option.
  • Step 3: Then, tap on ‘Add Account.’
  • Step 4: After that, tap on ‘Other’ and ‘Add Mail Account’ options resp.
  • Step 5: Now, what you need to do is put in your ‘Email Address’ and ‘Password.’
  • Step 6: Once you’ve entered your details, tap on ‘Next.’
  • Step 7: Following that, select “POP3” in the Incoming Mail Server section and enter this hostname “”
  • Step 8: Next, you need to select ‘Use SSL’ under Incoming settings and at the same time also select ‘Never’ in the place of Delete from the server.
  • Step 9: In addition to these, enter ‘995’ in the Server Port field.
  • Step 10: Similarly, in the Outgoing Mail Server section, select “SMTP” to put “” as hostname.
  • Step 11: Next, you need to enable the ‘Use SSL’ option and put in ‘465’ for type Server Port.
  • Step 12: In the end, just tap on ‘Done’ to finish the setup process.

This way, you can set up and sign in to your NetZero email account on your respective iPhone |Android mobile to easily connect with your contacts and to access all the distinctive features that NetZero has for its users.

NetZero Login Credentials Recovery Process

Although, primarily you’ll have an amazing emailing experience on NetZero but, at times, just like any other email service, you may face issues while logging in. 

So, in that case, if you’re wondering what to do to get rid of NetZero Email Login Issue then, let us tell you that login issues are majorly caused by entering of wrong/incorrect login credentials. 

Thus, you should check your User ID and Password first to ensure you’re using the correct combination of your login credentials. If not, you can simply consider recovering your User ID and resetting your account Password.

How to Recover NetZero User ID?

In case you are unable to remember your account’s correct login ID then you must perform the below given instructions of recovering NetZero User/Member ID—

  • Step 1: On your respective web browser, type in “” and hit the ‘Enter’ button.
  • Step 2: In doing so, you’ll reach onto the official NetZero website and there, click on ‘Sign in to Email.’
  • Step 3: Then, on the next page, you will find a link that reads ‘Forgot your ID?’ and when you click on the same, you will be directed to the ID reset webpage.
  • Step 4: There, you will find information related to your User ID.
  • Step 5: Now, in order to recover your forgotten User ID from NetZero you just need to follow through the on-screen instructions after clicking ‘Next.’

However, if you still have trouble recovering your NetZero ID, you can simply contact the NetZero member services via calling 1-800-638-9376.

How to Reset NetZero Email Password?

If you cannot remember your password or lost your password as someone has hacked your NetZero account then, you can consider resetting your password with the help of these below-givens steps—

  • Step 1: Open your web browser and type in “” to visit the official NetZero website.
  • Step 2: There, you need to simply click on the ‘Sign in to Email’ option.
  • Step 3: In doing so, the NetZero login form will appear on the screen and in that, enter your ‘User ID’ first.
  • Step 4: Then, click on the ‘Forgot your Password’ link which is below the Sign-in button.

Alternatively, you can go to this link. There, click on the ‘My Password’ link from the left side pane to locate and use this “If you do not remember your password and would like to have it reset, click here” option.]

  • Step 5: In doing so, you’ll be further redirected to this page. Here, you need to simply enter your ‘Member ID’ and ‘Postal/ZipCode’ in the respective text-fields.
  • Step 6: Once you’re done entering these details, click on ‘Next’ to continue.
  • Step 7: Now you need to ‘Verify your Identity’ and provide your contact details i.e., either your ‘Email Address or Phone Number’ on which NetZero can send a verification code.
  • Step 6: Once you receive it, you’ve to copy it to paste the code in the desired place.
  • Step 7: After doing this, you’ll be given access to reset the password of your NetZero account. For that, you need to enter a unique and strong password in both the ‘New Password and Confirm Password’ text-fields.
  • Step 8: Now, just hit ‘Save’ the made changes and go back to the NetZero sign in page to access your NetZero account using your newly created password.

Additional Solutions to Get Rid of NetZero Email Login Issues

  • Update and Optimize Web Browser: NetZero webmail login issues can also occur due to outdated or obsolete web browsers and thus, you must update your browser to the latest version and can also try optimizing your web browser for a better NetZero emailing experience. For that, you need to clear the cache, cookies and browsing history from your browser.
  • Proper Internet Connection: Next, make sure your device on which you’re trying to login to your NetZero email account is connected to a proper network connection.
  • Disable All Security Programs and Antivirus: Last but not least, you can consider removing all the security programs, third-party antivirus software, add-ins and plugins hindrances via temporarily disabling them. As you do so, they will not be able to interfere with the smooth functioning and login process of NetZero Email.

Bottom Line

That’s all! Hope we’ve offered enough information and instructions regarding the NetZero sign up and sign in procedure to help you create and access your NetZero email account with ease.

Similarly, read these login guides as well-

  • Email
  • Godaddy Webmail
  • Bigpond Email
  • Comcast Email
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